Shannon Gage Shannon Gage

The Dark Side of Chocolate: A Documentary Review

Maybe you unwind with a few squares at the end of a long week, or maybe you sip on a hot cup after a day in the snow. However you enjoy it, chocolate is an important part of Western culture. We use it to show affection to our loved ones, celebrate special occasions and make everyday life a bit more indulgent. When it’s melting on our tongues, we don’t tend to consider how our chocolate got from cacao tree to candy bar, but the truth is less sweet than we’d like to imagine.

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Shannon Gage Shannon Gage

Why the Trafficking Survivors Relief Act of 2020 Matters

For many survivors of human trafficking, physically escaping traffickers is only part of the battle. Many victims are charged with crimes they committed while being trafficked, like conspiracy, money laundering and drug exchange. In most cases, victims are unable to refuse committing these crimes but are nevertheless forced to face the consequences thereof.

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Shannon Gage Shannon Gage

Let’s Talk about Advocacy Burnout (Because It’s a Thing).

Say you’re on fire for the anti-trafficking movement. You’re raising awareness, buying ethically made items and donating to anti-trafficking organizations. Or maybe it’s a different cause, like environmental protection or mental illness awareness. Either way, if you’re really passionate about advocacy, you’ll have an inexhaustible supply of energy for it forever, right?

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